Saturday, 22 March 2008

Three days asleep...

Holy Saturday....
What happen to Jesus? 3 days asleep….What did he do within 3 days before rising again? From the reading of the earliest homily on Holy Saturday: “There is a great silence and solitude on all the earth today. It is because the King is asleep….he came down to the under world to give light to those in darkness, and those who dwell in the shadows of death”. Jesus appeared to Adam and Eve. All those who have died shouted with joy to see the light of Christ. “I am your God”, said Jesus to them. He showed to them his wound of his hand and his side. He was really the one who was crucified, died, buried and alive! This is a moment of great hope for all humanity. We are dying species, but that’s not the end. Suffering, pain and death are real for everyone. Yet, these becomes ‘passwords’ to enter life eternal. There is no Easter without Good Friday!

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