Saturday, 14 February 2009

A Blessed Valentine to You...

Today's Inspirational Quote:

"Older and wiser voices can always help you

find the right path,

if you are only willing to listen."

-- Jimmy Buffett


AngeL BeaR said...

blessed valentine to you too Fr.

Anonymous said...

St Valentine is NOT a saint of love. Read it from Today is the feast day of St Valentine but we should not 'celebrate' it as the pagans do!

dakunfrancis said...

Today is the feast of st Cyril and Methodus, patron saints for the European. St Raphael is the saint of love. But St. Valentine too..the world has dedicated this day for love...Where there is love God is..

Anonymous said...

I hope the local Church will again pray the Litany of the Saints just like the old days. My family and I prayed the Rosary and the Litany of the Saints daily.

'The World has dedicated this day for love' is 'ambiguous' just like the documents of Vatican II. I don't think many people understand the true meaning of 'love'.

It is always between the Church (God) and the World (Evil). We cannot serve to masters. I have always been taught to resist the 'World'! Vatican II opened the windows of the Church to the World. Then what happened?

Anonymous said...

I hope the local Church will again pray the Litany of the Saints just like the old days. My family and I prayed the Rosary and the Litany of the Saints daily.

'The World has dedicated this day for love' is 'ambiguous' just like the documents of Vatican II. I don't think many people understand the true meaning of 'love'.

It is always between the Church (God) and the World (Evil). We cannot serve two masters. I have always been taught to resist the 'World'! Vatican II opened the windows of the Church to the World. Then what happened?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, double posting.

Avanus said...

Father, in the Catholic traditional calendar, 14 Feb is the feast day for Saint Valentine. He is a martyr - someone who died because of his love for God. The current 'new' Catholic calendar has been amended many times.

dakunfrancis said...

Thats true...while here in Europe they celebrate another feast day, their patron saint..even in the 'litury of the hour' the offical prayer of the Catholic Church, 14 feb..dedicated to st. Cyril, Methodius