Sunday, 5 April 2009

A blessed Holy Week and Easter to you


Anonymous said...

Pope Benedict XVI distributes Holy Communion to the faithful kneeling and on the tongue only. Will you follow the same, Father?

Avanus said...

Hehe good idea...very tech savvy...are you homesick father? Blessed Holy Week and Easter to you and everyone here...So, you're studying Sacramental Theology? What's it about? Hope it's not one of those innovated theologies...the new springtime etc...I prefer to stick to Traditional Sacramental father...

dakunfrancis said...

Pope Benedict XVI distributes Holy Communion to the faithful kneeling and on the tongue only. Will you follow the same, Father?

nda la, jan ikut2 dia hehe.
Yg penting they receive it wholeheartedly..

dakunfrancis said...

So, you're studying Sacramental Theology? What's it about? Hope it's not one of those innovated theologies...the new springtime etc...I prefer to stick to Traditional Sacramental father

Ya, the Spirit moves wher'ever he wants..

Anonymous said...

Father, I hope you will reconsider the way the Holy Communion is distributed to the faithfuls.

The Holy Ghost moves to protect the Truth, not to introduce new revelation.

Blessed Holy Week and Easter!

Avanus said...

You sound very 'Neo-Cathecumenal' Father...this movement also said the same thing, 'follow the Spirit wherever He wants...'. Once I heard one of the movement's cathechists said this, 'if Jesus (I think he said Holy Spirit) is only staying in a BOX, how can the faith moves...' (at first I didn't realize what he was talking about...then it slowly dawned on me, he was actually referring the TABERNACLE as THE BOX...what arrogance!). What is the Catholic teaching about the Tabernacle, Father? By the way, can the Scripture - Mat 12:32, be applied to this Cathechist? Am just telling my experience here...

Avanus said...

I am not accusing the Neo-Cathecumenal of anything here but it's just that I think we have to be really careful with our words, especially when it concerns with OUR LORD. Some statements are so ambiguous that it's just so horrifying to see where they us lead to.

dakunfrancis said...

(at first I didn't realize what he was talking about...then it slowly dawned on me, he was actually referring the TABERNACLE as THE BOX...what arrogance!).

ya, take an extra careful..dnt be so carried away with notions like that. Tabernacle we know the purpose is to reserve the host, or the blessed sacrament. Where Christ is presence, (in the blessed sacrament), so too the Father and Holy Spirit. Its important to have a tabernacle as a sign of God's the other hand, we are also a living tabernacle..